Thursday, August 8, 2019

Final Exam Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 9

Final Exam - Essay Example The second group was the communist nations, Soviet Union being their leader. The third world mainly consisted of the developing nations which were mostly newly independent and not aligned to any super power. These countries caused the arena for struggle and competition among the cold war super powers. The third world nations were located in Asia, Latin America and Africa. The countries were politically unstable and economically poor. This situation was mainly caused by the long periods of colonialism. The third world countries suffered lack of technology, ethnic conflicts and lack of education. The countries generally had high rates of diseases and poverty, low life expectancy and low economic development. The third world countries were unaligned hence they were seen as potential allies in the 1st and 2nd world war. Developing allies with the third world countries would mean an increase military support such as soldiers and economic support during the war. The Soviet Union and the United States tried to establish connections and form allies with these countries by offering military and economic support (Patterson 96). The connection would also enable the United States to gain strategically located alliances hence have an advantage over the Soviet Union in the war. The third world was mainly targeted for the soldiers. Forming allies with the countries would ensure military support and advantage. The most dangerous and violent moments in the conflicts were in the regions of third world because they were strategically located. Having allies in the location would unsure an advantage in the war. The Vietnam war epitomised important hall marks of the Third world intervention as it acted to save innocent lives which were in danger. 2. What did it mean that Theodore Roosevelt was comfortable seeing the United States as part of the balance of power system? Explain how World War I upset this system. Why and

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